Vilnius Concert Hall - Architecture competition

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Proposal for Vilnius Concert Hall


Vilnius, Lituania


Vilnius Municipality


ATG Studio S.R.L.

Dunareanu Avraam

Nemes Eduard

Nistor Dragoș

Pepe Peralta Guerrero

Collaborators – randări


17000 m²

Our proposal comes in response to the municipality's request to have an emblematic object, with the function of a concert hall, located in the most privileged place in the Lithuanian capital, Tauras Hill.

Our concept uses a series of simple operations such as rebuilding the hill, in order to create a spatial and visual continuity between north and south, highlighting public functions and hiding the technical ones under the rebuilt hill, thus generating indoor and outdoor public spaces, emphasizing the user experience.

„Spațiul dintre” este cel mai privilegiat în cadrul întregii compoziții, fiind sugerat ca un loc de ritual muzical și cult, sălile de concert marcând semnificația acestuia ca totemuri gigantice. Făcând referire la lăcașuri de cult, cultură și semnificație spirituală într-un context antropologic universal, vârful dealului Tauras mută accentul de la simbolismul arhitectural la expresia culturală.

The refusal of the clear boundaries between the surroundings and the interior represents the move of the metaphor from an acropolis frame to an altar, strengthening the universal, open character of the space, representative for all people in Lithuania and the universal extensive musical culture.

From an architectural point of view, the exposed profile of the volumes is very low. With most of the functions underground, the two concert halls have a 360 ° view. The external skin is born by covering each one and is generated by the functional relations of the spaces. The result is two dynamic and expressive solids, which have a strong mineral reflection.

Due to the public nature of the market and foyer, the main restaurant, gallery and shops are open to everyone, regardless of the artistic program.

In our view, the hill is not only a base in order to highlight the building, but a mutual relationship takes place, where life in the park is supported by the public functions offered by the two volumes.


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